E.B. Farms HD Indulgence
Indy is the first of our Huricane-PM HSW Decadent daughters to have freshened, and we could not be more happy with her. A large framed and growthy yearling, Indy is following in her dams footsteps in showing both a promising productive mammary as well as the style and frame that we love.
Indulgence earned her dry leg in the first ring she walked into as a junior doe in '23 and also took home a BJDIS. This spring she freshened and hit the ground running. She is one doe who seems to enjoy the ring and the spotlight, and we hope this means good things for her show career. Indy catches our eye in the pasture often, We look forward to the years to come and hopefully proving her out and with any luck, she will bless us with some stellar offspring. |
DOB: 1/19/2023 Black Sungau, with roaning and white markings ADGA Genetics Link *DNA on File* Alpha s1 Casein A/A Most Recent Appraisal: LA 2024: 81 (GGGG) @ 01-07 Career Highlights: 2023: Pride of Piedmont GCH Jr and BIS (Dry Leg) 2024: 12x 1st-Indy has won every age class she has entered, except Nationals. 2024 Nationals Lousiville KY, 10th place Milking Yearling Completed Milk Data: 2024: In Progress Progeny in our herd: |