SGCH (pend) Majenli KF Malibu 2*M
Malibu, or "Boo" as she is known by us, is our current most productive doe in our herd. Boo is an animal that in some regards was very quick to grow and become a competitive doe, but in so many others ways we see the same building blocks for longevity that her equally as large and powerful dam possesses.
Boo finished her championship easily in the Spring of 2022, she had kidded triplets for the first time that January and was really picking up production and made leaps and bounds in her maturity. She continued that hot-streak into our first National show with our own herd and placed 13th among an incredible class of 2 year olds, and then in the fall was Grand Champion and Best Udder at State Fair with over 20 senior entries! 2023 was not her year, twin does did not bring the bloom to her mammary that the previous year with triplets did, and as a result Boo was not shown as much, and the times she was shown, we felt she was not on her A-Game. As a breeder who is not solely show or production focused, Goats are also entitled to off years in my opinion! Triplets this spring has put Boo back on the playing field and she earned her first Best Doe in Show this spring against some incredible competition. She earned this honor under a judge whose own Lamancha program I strongly admire, and pitted against beautiful animals across many breeds, including animals placing very highly in their respective breeds on the national level. |
DOB: 2/1/2020 Black & High Tan with Roaning ADGA Genetics Link *DNA on file* Alpha s1 Casein: A/F Linear Appraisal: LA 2024: EX91 (VEEE) @ 04-06 LA 2023: EX91 (EEEE) @ 03-05; Boo was Excellent in Front leg, shoulder, back, and rump. Very Good in head. LA 2022: EX90 (VEEE) @ 02-06; Boo was Excellent in Rump and Front leg, Very Good in back, shoulder and head. Career Highlights: 2021- 5x 1st in Class, Maryland State Fair 1st place yearling with 1st place udder 2022- Son of a Buck Show 2x GCH & BOB (2 legs), Piedmont Show 1x GCH (final leg) 2022 National Show Harrisburg PA; 13th place 2 year old. Maryland State Fair 1st place 2 year old with first udder, Grand Champion and Best of Breed with Best Udder of Breed. First Place Dairy Herd. 2024-3x Best of Breed, 1x Best in Show. 2024 National Show Lousiville KY; 8th place 4 year old, High 305-Milk, High Fat honors. Completed Milk Data: 2023: DIM 305 MILK 3660 FAT 157 PROT 116 Progeny in our herd: Indulgence Decadence Sunrise |